Monthly Archives: May 2018

3 posts

Roderick Cox Receives 2018 Sir Georg Solti Conducting Award

Penny Van Horn, Board Chair of The Solti Foundation U.S. and Elizabeth Buccheri, Artistic and Awards Committee Chair, announced today the Foundation’s ninth grant, The Sir Georg Solti Conducting Award, to Roderick Cox, Associate Conductor of the 114-year old Minnesota Orchestra. The $30,000 grant is the largest grant awarded to […]

Kalia to lead Lake George Music Festival

 Roger Kalia (CAA, ’17), cofounder of the Lake George Music Festival, says conducting the festival every summer is the highlight of his year. “Making music with our world class musicians in such a beautiful and serene environment is not only inspiring but also a thrilling experience as a conductor,” […]

Canellakis to lead Netherlands Radio Philharmonic

When Karina Canellakis (Solti, ’16) looks back over the last few years of her whirlwind career, she sees one moment as a turning point. She was the assistant conductor of the Dallas Symphony Orchestra, and the music director, Jaap van Zweden was suddenly unable to conduct the ensemble. Without a single […]