Make a Difference

The Solti Foundation U.S. has distributed more than $1.5 million in grants and residency funding to young American conductors since 2008. Those who support our mission are making a substantial impact on the future of classical music in America.

Thank you for your support!

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Contributions (by check) also can be mailed to
The Solti Foundation U.S.
1555 Sherman Avenue, Suite 310
Evanston, IL 60201

Donor-Advised Funds
Please contact your financial institution to request the required documentation to make a contribution through a donor-advised fund.
The Solti Foundation U.S. tax ID number is 30-0004328

Donations of Stock | Wire Transfers
Please contact us for information and details.

Knoxville Symphony Orchestra

Aram Demirjian, Music Director

2020 Solti Fellow

Aram Demirjian, 2020 Solti Fellow; Music Director of the Knoxville Symphony Orchestra.